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Kirkman - Wellevate Dispensary*

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Kirkman’s Children’s Chewable Multi-Vitamin/Mineral Wafers with Xylitol offer the same basic ingredients as Kirkman’s 0288-120 children’s chewable multi-vitamin wafers but does not contain artificial sweeteners. Wafers are sweetened with xylitol and dextrose and flavored with a delicious natural mango/peach flavor. Kids love them, which makes compliance easy. This product contains higher potencies than many commercially sold multi-vitamins and offers trace minerals and coenzyme Q10 as well. Most importantly, it offers a better choice for a chewable product because it contains no colorings and only fruit-based flavorings. Sensitive children often react to the artificial coal tar colorings and artificial flavoring chemicals present in most commercially sold “kids’ vitamins.”

The product is formulated with a unique blend of 17 pure, plant-based enzymes that are recognized as essential for the effective digestion of all food groups, including proteins, carbohydrates, fats, sugars and fiber under a wide range of pH conditions.* The addition of the dipeptidyl peptidase-IV (DPP-IV) enzyme analog supports the ability of the body to degrade peptides formed from exposure to casein and gluten.* EnZym-Complete/DPP-IV™ provides a comprehensive “foundation” of supplemental enzymes to support optimal digestion.* Each enzyme works independently, but also in a complementary role to optimally impact digestion of all dietary components.* This unique enzyme formulationalso provides a combination of proteases, amylases, lipases, disaccharides and cellulases that replace the enzymes lost in cooking, thus lessening the burden on the body’s digestive tract so that it can function optimally, while also supporting optimal nutrient absorption.*

Trimethylglycine (TMG) is an important cofactor in methylation, a process that occurs in every cell in the body to synthesize and donate methyl groups for other processes in the body.* Methylation is the process of adding methyl groups to a molecule. A ‘methyl group’ is a chemical structure made of one carbon and three hydrogen atoms. TMG can donate one of its methyl groups to homocysteine which turns homocysteine back into methionine and may suppory healthy homocysteine levels.* Additionally, by donating a methyl group, it helps produce S-adenosylmethionine (SAMe), which can help maintain healthy serotonin levels in the body that support mood, energy, concentration and a feeling of well-being.* In the methylation cycle SAMe is converted to homocysteine which aids in the production of glutathione.* Glutathione is a powerful contributor to detoxifying the body and deterring oxidative stress.* The folate cycle, which consists of vitamin Bs, prompt the methylation cycle. Folate intake and levels in the body must be adequate for TMG to work biochemically. In some individuals, the use of natural folinic acid may be more beneficial than folic acid because folinic acid already has attached four hydrogen atoms and one methyl group, thereby shortcutting the complicated biochemical processes that assist purine and nucleotide synthesis. This product includes folinic acid and methyl B-12 because folic acid can mask the lack of adequate vitamin B-12. TMG is a more active “methyl donor” than dimethylglycine (DMG) because it has an additional methyl group in its chemical structure. TMG is found in a variety of plant and animal sources. The TMG used in this product comes from beets

Supports the immune system and many other bodily processes.* Zinc picolinate has excellent absorption qualities* Hypoallergenic. Gluten and casein free. Capsules are plant based. Ultra Tested®. Zinc is present in every cell in the body and is also a component of over 200 enzymes and involved in more enzymatic reactions than any other mineral constituent in mammals.* Zinc is essential for normal skin, vision, smell, taste, reproduction, brain development, protein synthesis and wound healing.* It is also one of the most important factors in a healthy immune system* Zinc is involved in just about every aspect of the immune system, including the immune system enhancing “T” cells that are necessary for immune system response.*